
Upcoming Events

Upcoming events will be listed here.

Why you should attend OMGMA events to connect with peers:

  • To gain insight from colleagues who have conquered the same challenges you face;
  • To learn the secrets of reducing costs, increasing revenue, and enhancing relationships with physicians;
  • Because you keep being challenged to do more with less;
  • Because you value a variety of learning formats, including hands-on workshops, in-depth discussions, expert-led sessions, and peer-to-peer roundtables; 
  • To identify issues crucial to successful integration;
  • To have a great time with colleagues.

Do you supply products and services to our members?

Seize the opportunity to reach Executive Directors, Clinic Managers, and Administrators who represent hundreds of practices and physicians all across Ontario. Our members attend the annual conference to network with peers and suppliers, share and acquire knowledge, and gather the information they need to make informed decisions.

"It is important to our office to have a forum from which our Executive Director can draw. We have indeed always found the information reviewed with our office after an OMGMA conference very informative and helpful in the overall day-to-day operations of our practice."

Dr. Cindy Donaldson, Medical Director
Carlisle Medical Centre
Carlisle, Ontario

"At my first conference, I was met by smiling faces and people asking me to sit beside them. I felt welcome immediately. Then the conference itself was relevant to what I do as a manager every single day. The networking was invaluable as I was able to ask my colleagues how they dealt with specific issues or who I could contact to get information to solve my issues. I came away feeling like I was part of a larger team, and amongst friends." 

Nancy James, Manager
Clergy Street Family Physicians
(Maple Family Health Team)
Kingston, Ontario

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